Children of Africa
"It takes a whole village to raise a child."
This African saying holds great truth...and never before has it reflected such a critical need for action as in our modern times. A child's upbringing is a community effort. The responsibility of raising a child is shared with family and the wider community. We are that wider community.
We've all heard about the problems in Africa, some of us for many, many years. Maybe we've heard too much. An overload of bad news and no way to help are a recipe for the most profound sorrow and neglect. But the truth is, you make a difference for these children. You can help them escape the tragedy of having no one to care for them. The children we are working to save are real. They are individuals, not the millions. They need you today.

Imagine if your house was on fire and your neighbors only shook their heads as you hysterically tried to save your child. It would be unforgiveable. In an emergency such as these children face we can't just shake our heads. These children suffer a long, slow death of poverty and deep sadness. They have no mommies or daddies; they are truly alone.

Every 14 seconds a child in Africa loses a parent to AIDS. There is nothing like this in America. In Kenya and Uganda there are children everywhere with no parents. Walking the streets alone are toddlers. They have no food. They are very nearly naked, dressed in rags. They wait at the gates of full orphanages for even a slight chance of entrance. Together we can give them a home and the love of a parent.
You can help. Please work with us to give this generation a chance. They will become something in the future. We must understand our role in that future.
A child without love and care has a hard time growing
into an adult who can lead his people to goals of humanity.
But a child who has been rescued from the most pitiful conditions, loved with a full heart and given the chance to live learns humanity by example. And that humanity reaches out into the future creating a world based on love and compassion.

Your donation will help these children stay in the home
and help rescue others living alone in the bush.

Donations and help in getting more sponsors for the orphans in Kenya and Uganda are urgently needed. The orphanages we help support are in danger of closing due to changes in the US economy.
Please sponsor a child for $40 each month
and help them stay in the only home they have. |