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Programs > Honduras > Clean Water

Clean Water

Diseases found in water affect children under five the most because their immune systems aren’t as strong as older people.  Diarrhea contracted from contaminated water is the world’s second biggest killer of children under the age of five; over 1 million die from it every year.  

There are many areas we serve in Honduras that have no clean water source.  Creeks and water holes are used for bathing, washing clothes and even as sanitation pathways.  Those living further downstream have the worst quality water and highest incidence of sickness.  Sadly, women and children spend hours each day walking to collect dirty water.  Oftentimes a child stays home from school to help collect water. 

Our ongoing efforts to provide clean water to children and their communities include:

  • Water Purification Systems:

    Approximately 1200 poor people are served each year with purified water on an ongoing basis.  Many more are helped in response to disasters.  Bless the Children has several large and small purification systems that are used to bring clean water to areas of El Progreso. 

    Most systems were donated by churches in the US. Three systems are servicing the Pro Nino street children's facility.  One system serves San Jose del Cruz with another serving the Los Laureles community.  Bless the Children continues to service the equipment and purchase new filters.   

  • Cistern:

    Bless the Children has purchased and installed a water cistern for the children of the village, Las Crucitas No. 1.  This cistern was installed at the village's elementary school to provide the children with clean water and to allow for easy access for the community.  Prior to the cistern installation there was no water available at the school.

    In the village of Mealer Bless the Children installed a water cistern on the grounds of the church and clinic, making it accessible in a central place.  This has helped the community tremendously.



  Your donation will help a child go to school and remain disease-free
by helping to provide clean water.


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©2007-2025 Bless the Children, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Bless the Children, Inc. is a 501C3 nonprofit corporation registered with the State of Virginia, approved by the Virginia and Florida Departments of Consumer Affairs, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Way National/International Combined Federal Campaign (CFC/Unaffiliated agencies #10016). Gifts are tax-deductible as provided by law.