The Combined Federal Campaign
Bless the Children's Mission is to free abandoned and impoverished children from the chains of poverty by empowering them with health, shelter, educational and spiritual support so that they may become productive members of their society.

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Programs > Vietnam


Although increases are apparent for many indicators, Vietnam remains classified as a “low income” country where poverty limits opportunities for 12 million people and a further 10 million hover just above the poverty line. 

Poverty strikes hardest for rural families.  It is typical for a family's combined income to be under $400 in a year.  This creates a serious burden for parents.  They know that in order to prepare their children for a better future they must receive an education; however, school fees are often out of range when there is little food to eat. 
Sadly, the school fees are less than many in the US spend on weekly groceries.

In Vietnam there is also a high incidence of children born with potentially fatal heart defects.  All too often families leave the hospital broken-hearted upon hearing this news, knowing they will never be able to afford the surgical fees.

Bless the Children is committed to helping the poor children of rural families attain good health and education in our effort to assist them in escaping poverty.  Towards this end we work with the Office of Genetic Counseling and Disabled Children (OGCDC) to assist the poorest of the poor in Vietnam.

Please make a donation to support education and health in Vietnam.


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©2007-2025 Bless the Children, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Bless the Children, Inc. is a 501C3 nonprofit corporation registered with the State of Virginia, approved by the Virginia and Florida Departments of Consumer Affairs, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Way National/International Combined Federal Campaign (CFC/Unaffiliated agencies #10016). Gifts are tax-deductible as provided by law.